The purpose of the Indian Valley Foundation is to raise funds from individuals, corporations and foundations to promote increased classroom learning and exemplary teaching in all Indian Valley Schools.
The Indian Valley Foundation receives donations from individuals and groups to provide scholarships to students to forward their education. In addition, the IVF fundraising efforts provide for additional funds to be contributed to these scholarships.
Building Grants
Building Grants provide funds for projects and services not normally covered in our school's day-to-day budget.
Classroom Grants
We provide classroom grants to assist teachers with funding for special programs and classroom needs that are not funded through the school system.
Board of Directors
Governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, all Indian Valley Foundation programs and activities are planned and implemented by volunteers from the community, school district and alumni. All volunteers are welcome!
Meetings are on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30pm at the Indian Valley Foundation office in Gnadenhutten. No meetings are held during the months of June, July and December.
Visitors are welcome.
Our 13th year and going strong!
“Your giving continues to plant seeds for future generations”
In 2009, at the consistent urging of Gary Parrish, Brenda Botimer Byrne and Minnie Garabrandt (former GHS alumni) put their heads together and sowed the seeds that were the start of the Indian Valley Foundation. With Brenda leading the way, many volunteers put their hearts and resources together which resulted in a dedicated board of directors. With the help of Attorney Michael Cochran, in November of 2009 the Indian Valley Foundation was recognized as a 501(3)c non-profit for the Indian Valley School District.....and our story began!
A “Founders Drive” was the first fundraiser of the IVF and in 2010, those donations resulted in two $500 scholarships being awarded to graduating seniors Kimberly Quillen and Danielle McMasters. Because of the drive and determination of officers and directors our next 10 years was a whirlwind of success! Through annual steak dinners with 50/50 drawings organized by Dave McPeek our Foundation began to grow.
In 2018, thanks to the vision and leadership of Mark Natoli and Dave McPeek, the Board banded together to have our first Spring Gala Fundraiser. The results were phenomenal and we far exceeded our expectations! So in 2019 we held our second (and now annual) Spring Gala and in those 2 years thanks to sponsorships, donations, and ticket sales we made $60,000 to help Indian Valley students. Then came 2020 and COVID19! We cancelled and rescheduled twice in 2020 and again in 2021. We didn't give up and we were able to have the 2020-2021 Gala on July 24,2021.What a huge success! Our Gala raised $38,358 for a total of $98,358! We have come a long way and the best is yet to come thanks to our sponsors, donors and attendees!
Our fundraising efforts, along with donations in honor of loved ones, alumni classes and various other donations has allowed the scholarships to increase in number and value, and the Classroom and Building grants to increase in value. Each year, the Board of Directors honors the scholarship recipients and donors at an annual Spring Scholarship Awards organized by Pam Fouts. Steadily, IVF has continued to grow and help our schools.
The Board of Directors is very proud to say that to date we have raised $558,165 and expended $443,047 that includes the following:
$184,600 in scholarships to 233 graduates
$36,531 for classroom grants (increased from $250 to $350 ) $63,000 for building grants (increased from $1500 to $1750)
We cannot begin to thank our BRAVES community and the entire county enough for their generous giving and increasing support for our students and schools that has made the Indian Valley Foundation a complete success.
“Many successful dreams can happen if you believe”
Thank You,
Board of Directors
We're a Volunteer Organization and We'd Love Your Help!
Our Board Members
The IV Foundation Board is a group of volunteers dedicated to helping the Indian Valley Community.
Responsibilities of the Indian Valley Board of Directors
- Know the Foundation’s mission, purpose, history, accomplishments and goals
- Serve as a full-time ambassador to the community
- Review the agenda, financials, previous minutes and supporting materials that will be emailed at least five days prior to the next Board or Committee meetings
- Attend Board and Committee meetings regularly and actively serve on at least one Committee
- Make yearly financial or “in kind” contribution to the Indian Valley Foundation such as soliciting donations through scholarships, sponsorships, monetary or auction items, and ticket sales to support the Foundation’s fundraisers. (Supporting materials are available)
- Assume responsibility for developing relationships with one or more school district principals, teachers and staff
- Recruit new Directors and Committee members
- Attend and support Foundation activities, special events and participate in making and presenting awards, scholarships and grants
Administration and Management of the IV Foundation
- President
- Vice President of Administration
- Vice President of Development
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
Executive Board
- President
- Vice President of Administration
- Vice President of Development
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
- Up to four (4) At Large Directors elected by the Board
The Executive Board is responsible for managing the Indian Valley Foundation. The Executive Board reports to the Board of Directors. The Executive Board will keep minutes and make reports to the Board of Directors. Any Committee changes or individual concerns must be submitted to the Executive Board. The Executive Board will review findings and present those to the Board of Directors for a vote.










